Abe Lincoln was a wise man. I don't think anyone doubts that. But this quote is spot on. Good job Abe!
Some complain and sulk when things don't go their way. Life is awful they say. Over the years I've noticed that these people are usually always complaining about something or other. It seems they like to have a 'poor me' attitude.
On the other hand, we also have the optimistic group. They see the glass half full, sun is shining, kids are happy, etc. Even when things don't go their way, they are able to look on the bright side. At least they don't waste needless energy on things which we cannot control (the weather for example).
My grandmother always said, "don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff." Even if you've had your dobber down this week (and yes, I realize it's only Tuesday), remember what Abe said, you have the power to make yourself happy!
Mary Eisenhart, at BAM/MicroTimes, used to say, "Dennis some people's cups are half full or half empty. Yours is overflowing!" I liked that.